Compliance Network

D&I webinar series

Rahanpesusääntelyn tulevat muutokset

Millainen on Euroopan komission kesällä 2021 antama lainsäädäntöehdotus uudeksi EU-tason sääntelyksi? Entä millaisia muutoksia Suomen rahanpesusääntelyyn on odotettavissa, kun rahanpesulain kansallinen osittaisuudistus pian hyväksytään?

Tilaisuudessa D&I:n Hanna-Mari Manninen ja Kristian Karlsson luovat katsauksen rahanpesusääntelyn tulevaan kehitykseen. OP:n Competence Lead Tomi Immonen puolestaan arvioi rahanpesusääntelyn muutoksia ja niiden toteutumisaikataulua käytännön näkökulmasta.

tiistai 30.11.2021
klo 10.00 – 11.00

Tilaisuutemme ovat ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu asiakkaillemme ja muille sidosryhmillemme.


In December Compliance Network discusses about prevention of money laundering and up-coming regulations with guest speaker Tomi Immonen, Competence Lead, OP Group. From Dittmar & Indrenius Partners Hanna-Mari Manninen and Kristian Karlsson are on stage.

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Chambers Fintech 2025: Finland – An Introduction to Fintech Legal

The fintech industry stands at the crossroads of innovation and regulation, continually reshaping the financial landscape. It is currently experiencing unprecedented growth globally, propelled by technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, which are also influencing the fintech industry in Finland.

The Autumn and Final Countdown for DORA Have Kicked Off

The surge of new cybersecurity and data legislation in the EU is sure to keep companies busy digesting upcoming regulatory requirements and reviewing existing compliance measures. To name a few, this autumn marks the one-year countdown to the application of the Data Act, a few months until the first provisions of the AI Act kick in, and mere days until the NIS2 Directive should be implemented in EU member states. However, for the financial sector, the most significant regulatory development in this area is the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act, more commonly known as DORA.

General Counsel Supporting the Board

The role of the General Counsel in the company’s board work has increased. Gone are the days when a lawyer mainly took minutes at a Board meeting. The Board now expects the General Counsel to be proactive and have a business perspective. Global crises, economic uncertainty, responsibility and tighter regulations have also increased the importance of ethical governance and long-term risk management. At the same time, the General Counsel continues to play an important role in the development of the company’s corporate governance.

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