I began my answer by explaining how exciting and rewarding it is to support our often times demanding clients when they face challenges in their operations. The more sophisticated the clients, the more I learn from working with them. We are lucky to have clients that really appreciate our efforts to render cutting edge services and insightful advice and always push us to learn new things.
Then my answer turned into a story about our firm culture and our values. How we play a team game, how we show appreciation for each other and how we try to help each other to be at our best. How we believe in diversity and meritocracy and how we emphasize freedom and responsibility. How we don’t believe in detailed and rigid rules and prefer working together to controlling our younger colleagues’ work. How we work hard, how we are ambitious in all we do and how we always strive to give our very best.
My conclusion was that the reason I’ve enjoyed myself so tremendously at the D&I for such a long time, is our people, our culture and some of the most exciting clients in the market.
I love my colleagues. When I think about it, I’m genuinely surprised that we have, for many years, managed to live up to our “no ass-holes” -policy. I love our culture and our values and I can see how they are realised in our daily work. Our firm values are in line with my own.