Our Sustainability Journey

Dittmar & Indrenius is one of Finland’s oldest law firms. This year, as we celebrate our 125th anniversary, we have been reflecting on our legacy crafted through our dedication to do the right thing, both legally and ethically. For us, sustainability has never been confined to one individual, team, or practice area but instead, it resonates in our culture, influencing everything we do, the way we serve and advise our clients, and how we take care of our people.

We have always been thinking ahead and been pioneers. We are proud for being known as one of the first law firms in Finland to talk about corporate culture and corporate responsibility. In our client work, we have often been the first ones to use certain innovative legal structures to benefit our clients faced with new regulatory and business challenges. One of the key definitions for quality at Dittmar & Indrenius is the ability to provide insightful legal advice that stands the test of time. Today, our Powerhouse method stands at the core of this future-oriented approach, ensuring that our expertise is never siloed but seamlessly shared across practices to support our clients in reaching their sustainable business goals. To succeed in creating exceptional and sustainable value together with our clients, we know that we need to be as collaborative and dynamic as the clients we serve.

Last year was pivotal for us. In 2023, we enhanced our own internal sustainability initiatives and expanded our advisory capabilities. Our collaboration with cross-sector partners and thought leaders, such as the Finnish Business & Society FIBS, and our recent collaborative initiative with Miltton, have widely enriched our insights on various topical themes, allowing us to offer even more comprehensive and proactive solutions to our clients. In addition, we codified our sustainability efforts into our first sustainability program, which gives us a clear framework for the efforts and focus within this area, with set goals and metrics. For us, sustainability evolves around three areas: our advisory services, sustainability within the firm and our role in society. The program embodies our core values and serves as a strategic guide towards a more sustainable future for us, our clients and the society.

Will another sustainability report truly make a difference? We believe it does. Fostering a culture of continuous development, transparency, and accountability are vital principles for any law firm serving a diverse array of clients globally. By committing to regular sustainability reporting, we ensure that we don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk. As we strive towards our vision of being the obvious choice for demanding corporate clients and a progressive, inspirational working community for star individuals, it is essential that we acknowledge, with humility and integrity, areas where we are still progressing.

Thank you for joining us in our sustainability journey. Together, we are not only “Thinking Ahead” but leading the way forward.


Read more: Sustainability Report 2023 (pdf)

To succeed in creating exceptional and sustainable value together with our clients, we know that we need to be as collaborative and dynamic as the clients we serve.

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