Page 7 - Quarterly Q1-Q2 2018
P. 7

                  Juha Nurminen
 Q: The best career advice you ever got?
Lawyers have two ears and only one mouth. They should be used proportionally. As Stephen R. Convey summarized in his bestselling book – seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Q: If you could time travel to either direction, which year and which place would you travel and why?
Paris in the golden age - that is to say at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries – would be fascinating. But I guess I would travel to year 1899 and stay at Esplanade, Helsinki. I would look for two young talented lawyers and advise them to give a slightly shorter name for their brand-new law firm, perhaps, just a succinct D&I.
Q: Share a D&I culture secret?
The secret behind our culture is that we are team-players, both literally and figuratively. We relentlessly support each other to be at the top of their own game every day. Every solo performance is always a piece of a bigger puzzle.
Transaction Powerhouse Careers

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