Welcome to our Q1-Q2/2018 edition of D&I Quarterly. It brings together a selection of our experts’ articles published during Q1-Q2 here at www.dittmar.fi/insight, our platform for insight into all the latest in law and business.
In this edition we discuss leadership with our Managing Partner Anders Carlberg, and tell you more about GDPR, blockchain and interest rates. We meet with our greatly respected ex-partner Raija-Leena Ojanen, the legal advisor for our pro bono partner WWF, and M&A, private equity and VC expert Juha Nurminen who joined D&I Partnership as of January 2018. We also share D&I Transaction Powerhouse’s view on how to control inside information in M&A transactions, D&I Dispute Powerhouse’s view on transfer pricing related tax disputes and our partner Kari Lautjärvi’s view on CSR.
Read the e-replica here.