Tiedonsiirtojen tilannekatsaus

D&I webinar series

D&I Innovation Powerhouse webinar:

Tiedonsiirtojen tilannekatsaus – askelmerkkejä uusien vakiolausekkeiden käyttöönottoon

D&I Innovation Powerhousen webinaarisarjan syyskausi jatkuu katsauksella rajat ylittävän datan käsittelyn ajankohtaisimpaan aiheeseen:
kansainväliset henkilötietojen siirrot ja komission uudet tiedonsiirtoja koskevat vakiolausekkeet.

Webinaarissa Jukka Lång, Iiris Kivikari ja Oskari Paasikivi havainnollistavat ja kuvaavat uusiin vakiolausekkeisiin liittyviä keskeisimpiä vaatimuksia, kysymyksiä ja suosituksia, jotka jokaisen organisaation on hyvä huomioida kansainvälisissä henkilötietojen siirroissa ja uusien lausekkeiden jalkautustyössä 27.9.2021 määräajasta alkaen.

Mitkä ovat uusien vakiolausekkeiden keskeisimmät muutokset? Missä aikataulussa uudet vakiolausekkeet on otettava käyttöön? Minkä tahon vastuulla vaaditut toimenpiteet ovat? Miten toteutetaan vakiolausekkeiden ja Schrems II -tuomion edellyttämä tiedonsiirron riskiarvio?

Jos et ole saanut kutsua tilaisuuteen ja haluaisit osallistua, voit olla yhteydessä:
Tilaisuutemme ovat ensisijaisesti tarkoitettu asiakkaillemme ja muille sidosryhmillemme.


In D&I Innovation Powerhouse’s webinar series our lawyers address topical issues such as cooperation with authorities, legislation of AI-technologies and development, regulation, data transfers and reporting to the company executives.

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On 23 May 2024, Finland took a significant stride towards strengthening its cybersecurity legislation when the Government submitted to the Parliament a proposal (HE 57/2024 vp) to implement the EU Directive on Measures for a High Common Level of Cybersecurity across the Union (Directive (EU) 2022/2555, the “NIS2 Directive“). This legislative initiative aims to bolster cybersecurity measures across various critical sectors, reflecting a heightened regulatory focus on risk management and incident reporting. The proposed Cybersecurity Act, along with amendments to existing legislation, notably to the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019 as amended), is scheduled to be applicable as of 18 October 2024. The proposal denotes a significant step towards more regulated cybersecurity and positioning the review and supervision of cybersecurity risks as a top management issue.

eIDAS2.0 Has Arrived – What is an EUDI Wallet?

The awaited eIDAS Regulation (EU) 1183/2024, known as eIDAS2.0, introduces new comprehensive rules aimed at facilitating a secure and seamless Europe-wide digital identity framework by amending the first eIDAS Regulation (EU) 910/2014. As the most notable change, eIDAS2.0 introduces a new EU Digital Identity Wallet (EUDI Wallet), meaning an electronic authentication application that must be interoperable throughout the EU. In function, the application will be similar to ordinary wallets, especially when looking at what types of data is stored in it. The Regulation entered into force on 20 May 2024 and the European Commission is due to adopt technical implementing acts in November 2024, after which the Member States have 24 months to implement at least one EUDI Wallet.

Government proposal regarding the implementation of EU’s NIS 2 Directive published

On 23 May 2024, the Finnish Government submitted its proposal regarding the implementation of EU’s NIS 2 Directive ((EU) 2022/2555, the “Directive”) to the Parliament. The proposal includes, inter alia, the adoption of the new Cybersecurity Act and amendments to the Act on Information Management in Public Administration and the Act on Electronic Communications Services. The objective is that the proposed legislation would enter into force on 18 October 2024.

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