D&I webinar – Changes in taxation of real estate investments in Finland

D&I Event

Event date

7 Dec


Dittmar & Indrenius > Insight > D&I webinar – Changes in taxation of real estate investments in Finland

In this webinar, we will take a look on the current changes to taxation of real estate investments in Finland. We will focus on the government proposal extending Finland’s right to tax also indirect disposals of Finnish real estate through the sale of a domestic or a foreign holding company, the anticipated tax treaty issues related to the proposed approach, as well as certain other topical issues for real estate investors, including changes in the deductibility of interest expenses.

Speakers of the webinar are members of the D&I’s Tax and Structuring team: Partner Kai Holkeri, Counsel Ritva Aalto and Associate Elina Hirvonen.

If you would like to join the webinar, please contact, [email protected]

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