Law and responsible business

Dittmar & Indrenius Partners with FIBS

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19 Sep


Dittmar & Indrenius > Insight > Law and responsible business

We enter into cooperation with Finnish Business & Society ry (FIBS) to help to build better businesses and sustainable solutions.

As of the beginning of 2019, FIBS is launching a programme producing corporate responsibility training and events in collaboration with selected expert organisations specialising in different responsibility themes within the framework of the new FIBS Partner programme. As a part of the FIBS Partner programme, we offer training for FIBS members aiming to provide practical information for monitoring legal developments relating to corporate responsibility.

Corporate responsibility is an integral part of the insightful legal advice we provide to our clients. Corporate responsibility and sustainable business models will be our key themes during our 120th anniversary year 2019.

“This is an exciting opportunity, fully aligned with our strategy and values. Corporate responsibility is a strategic question for all – and a legal perspective is necessary in finding practical and valuable solutions that make a real difference in building responsible business”, says Partner Hanna-Mari Manninen.

“We look forward to co-operation with our new partners, who are all top experts in their fields. We are pleased to have Dittmar & Indrenius on board as our partner who brings in the legal insights to corporate responsibility. Co-operation with our partners is an important opportunity for us to accelerate the growth of sustainable business in Finland”, says Helena Kekki, Manager of FIBS’s membership services.

“Co-operation with FIBS signals our will to meet the future challenges of our clients in the constantly evolving business environment. D&I’s Powerhouse model providing the clients with comprehensive, sustainable solutions for their business needs will play an instrumental role when providing services within the FIBS Partner programme”, says Partner Kari Lautjärvi.

Further information:

Hanna-Mari Manninen, Partner, Head of Corporate Advisory, Compliance & CSR, tel. +358 40 717 7494,

Kari Lautjärvi, Partner, tel. +358 9 6817 0102,

Katja Hollmén, Director of Client Relations, tel. +358 50 573 7396,


Dittmar & Indrenius, established in 1899, is a leading Finnish law firm focused on creating exceptional added value to demanding corporate clients.

FIBS helps companies to do better business. It offers information about new, innovative ways of developing responsible business and a unique opportunity to network with companies from different fields as well as other social actors. The FIBS network includes over 320 companies and organisations.

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