The world is a fast changing place. From normality to pandemic and lock-down, and back again. From peace to war. From Finland’s and Sweden’s public opinion backed military non-alliance to their NATO-membership applications backed by a vast majority of their people. And in the economy, from negative to positive interest rates; from too low to too high inflation rates; and from bull to bear markets. We have and are changing our minds and our behaviours as a result of these changes.
At the same time, scientists have already for years told us that we have to change the way we live in order to protect our planet. Climate change and loss in biodiversity threaten ecosystems and our very existence. There is no uncertainty as to the facts.
We know what we need to do to tackle this existential threat. But are we acting with the speed and determination that is required? Are the undeniable facts known to us causing us to take the actions that we know are needed – now?
I’m afraid we’re not – not at the speed and on the level that is required from us.
Don’t get me wrong, a lot of good things are being done. Many people and companies are doing important work towards sustainability and clean energy. Many people and companies are working on finding solutions for a sustainable way of life.