D&I Employment team once again ranked in Tier 1 in the Legal 500 EMEA Rankings.
In 2021 D&I continue to be recognized as a leading firm in Finland with a highly dedicated employment team with Leading Individual rankings for all of the team’s three partners Suvi Knaapila , Seppo Havia and Petteri Uoti.
Clients who were interviewed for this 2021 edition describe the team as “top team when facing complicated cases which need out-of-the-box thinking“ and “best overall knowledge of employment legislation among Finnish firms“.
“Our team gains its power and inspiration from the interaction with the most demanding clients and the most complex issues in the business. We are delighted that the clients’ comments reflect that they are also pleased with us. We do try very hard”, say the team’s partners.
“We are also pleased to note that our ranking has remained steadily in Tier 1 and that all our three employment law partners are ranked as Leading Individuals in Finland. Our team is also the only one in Finland with more than one top ranked employment lawyer“, they add.
You can read the full overview by visiting the Legal 500 website.