Acquisition of Elekta AB’s magnetoencephalography business
We advised York Instruments, a subsidiary of Croton Healthcare, in its acquisition of Elekta AB’s magnetoencephalography business.
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We advised York Instruments, a subsidiary of Croton Healthcare, in its acquisition of Elekta AB’s magnetoencephalography business.
We assisted Santen Pharmaceuticals in employment related matters in a large-scale cross-border transfer of business.
We have assisted Fresenius Medical Care Ltd in a cross-border transfer of operations, including related cooperation consultation process
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Dittmar & Indreniuksen ja Terveysteknologia ry:n yhteistyössä toteuttaman webinaarisarjan toisessa osassa Mirva Arvola ja Aarne Puisto puhuvat kilpailuoikeuden
Dittmar & Indreniuksen ja Terveysteknologia ry:n yhteistyössä toteuttaman webinaarisarjan ensimmäisessä osassa Anna Haapanen ja Johanna Tuohino puhuvat ohjelmistosopimuksista
On 15 June 2017, the Council of State put forward amendments to the Competition Act concerning a wider
As a part of the major health and social services reform, the Finnish Government published on 9 May
As a part of the major health and social services reform, the Finnish Government published on 21 December