Disputes for Breakfast: Climate change litigation

D&I webinar series

Event date

18 May


Dittmar & Indrenius > Insight > Disputes for Breakfast: Climate change litigation

Climate change litigation and investment protection

In the second part of the D&I Dispute Powerhouse’s Disputes for Breakfast webinar series Ricardo Gomes and Heidi Yildiz discuss about climate change litigation and investment protection.

The future of litigation is here. What to prepare for when investing abroad? What is your role in climate litigation? Is climate litigation a powerful tool to make an impact? Are you taking climate change litigation into account in your company’s ESG assessment?

  • What is climate litigation?
  • How to protect your foreign investment in times of climate change?
  • Is environmental CS&R on your to do list?
  • Why are climate change related disputes increasingly on the news?
  • Can foreign investors be accountable for environmental damage in the host state under investment treaties?

If you haven’t received an invitation, but would like to attend to the webinar, please contact: elina.immonen-seise@dittmar.fi

Webinar series (in Finnish)

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In D&I Dispute Powerhouse’s webinar series
Jussi Lehtinen, Toni Kalliokoski, Heidi Yildiz, Tom Ehrström, Ricardo Gomes and Laura Parkkisenniemi from Dittmar & Indrenius talk about disputes.

The webinar series is in Finnish.

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