Inari Paila

Senior Attorney
Knowledge Manager

Inari Paila

Senior Attorney
Knowledge Manager

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Standing out in this “extremely hands on and cost-sensitive team” are Inari Paila and Gabrielle Dannberg.

World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2019

A portfolio management superstar.

World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2019

Thanks to expertise in marketing, consumer and regulatory law she dishes up holistic counsel.

World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2019

Paila dispenses sage, wide-ranging advice that spans the numerous ancillary issues affecting trademarks, providing penetrating insight on marketing, consumer and regulatory law.

World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2018
Dittmar & Indrenius > People > Inari Paila

Focus on high-profile legal information retrieval and knowledge management as well as regulatory and compliance advisory.

Inari Paila is known for legal advisory regarding intellectual property, marketing and consumer law, regulatory matters and life sciences. She is experienced professional in legal knowledge management and she has extensive track record in legal development monitoring and reporting.

She is responsible of Dittmar & Indrenius’ internal knowledge sharing processes and legal information service.

Inari Paila is a member of the board of the Faculty of Law of the University of Turku alumni association Senilex ry.


University of Turku (LL.M., 2003)

Admitted: Finnish Bar Association


Finnish, Swedish, English and French


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